The most rumored Nokia's upcoming Lumia 1020 Windows Phone will reportedly host a 41-megapixel camera sensor codenamed Nokia EOS. Along with the 41MP camera it packs with a 4.5-inch AMOLED HD display with a resolution of 1280x768, 2GB of RAM, and 32GB of storage

Comparison of latest Lumia 920 V/s rumored Lumia 1020

Let’s watch the new leaked videos of Lumia 1020, The videos show off the phone's video capabilities, including 720p with 6x zoom and stereo audio capture, the 41-megapixel sensor, optical image stabilization, Zeiss optics and full manual control.

The Nokia Lumia 1020 will be launched in three different color options - Yellow, Black and White as per media reports.

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